Conference of interest to FIS participants?

From: <>
Date: Sat 11 May 2002 - 17:55:23 CEST

The conference chair, Jerzy Maselko, asked me to distribute this
program. The concepts strongly overlap with communications theory.

The web site address is

  Cheers Jerry Chandler

Emergence in Chemical Systems

University of Alaska Anchorage

International Conference

June 20-23 2002





June 20, Thursday

9:00 Welcoming Statement

9:30 Jerry Chandler, Co-emergence of the Structural Complexity in

         the Mathematical and Chemical Sciences

 10:30 Tea/Coffee Break

 11:00 Joseph Early, How Dynamic Aggregates Achieve Effective

           Integration: The Many Become One and Are Increased by One
- A Proposal for

           Modification of Mereology

 12:00 Lunch

 1:00 Harry Swinney, Resonant Patterns in Reaction Diffusion Systems

2:00 Stefan Mueller, Mechanism of Liesegang Rings Formation

3:00 Tea/Coffee Break

3:30 Jerzy Maselko, Patterns Formation

4:00 Steen Rasmusen, Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter: From

       Geomaterials to Biomaterials


 June 21 Friday

8:30 Frances Arnold, An Algorithm for Biological Design

9:30 Tea/Coffee Break

10:00 Peter Stadler, Dynamics of Autocatalytic Replicator Networks

11:00 Dennis Bray, Emergent Properties In a Cluster of Molecular Receptors

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Doron Lancet, GARD Composomes: Emergent Prebiotic Molecular

         Assemblies that Self-Replicate Without Biopolymers

 2:00 Daniel Segre, Evolution and Persistence of Biochemical Organization

 3:00 Tea/Coffee Break

3:30 Kunihiko Kaneko, Intra-Inter Dynamical Systems Approach to Cell

        Differentiation, Heredity and Evolution

4:00 Peter Strizhak, Coupling of Nonlinear Phenomena in Spatially
Distributed Chemical Systems and Sythesis of Macroscopically
Structured Materials

5:00 Short presentations.


June 22 Saturday

8:30 Tomohiko Yamaguchi, Subthreshold Response of Excitable Systems

9:30 Tea/Coffee Break

10:00 Ehud Meron Front Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Chemical Systems


 11:00 Raima Larter A Calcium Oscillator in the Brain

 12:00 Lunch

1:00 Renate Wackerbauer, Biologically Motivated Reaction-Diffusion Studies

2:00 Stirling Colgate, The Planet Formation Conditions and the Redox
Energy for the Origin of Life

3:00 Native Center tour.


Short presentations


We are scheduling a session on Friday afternoon (beginning at 4:30
pm), which will feature a series of short presentations. Please let
us know if you are interested in presenting a short (15-minute)
lecture during this timeframe. The following are a list of short
presentations to be given.


Lenka Forstova, Experiments on Effects of Imposed Electric Fields on
cAMP Waves Propagation in Aggregating Dictyostelium.

Hana Sevcikova, Numerical Simulations of Patterning Processes in
Aggregating Dictyostelium.

Satoshi Nakata, Mode-Switching Under Non-Equilibrium Conditions.

Baerbel Stadler, The Survival Threshold for Selection of
Ligation-Based Replicators


Interested scientists should contact:
Jerzy Maselko

 (907) 786-4697

 or Cheryl Wright

 (907) 786-4748

Received on Sat May 11 17:52:25 2002

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