Re: [Fis] music and genetic code

From: Rafael Capurro <>
Date: Tue 20 May 2003 - 10:11:18 CEST

Dear Sergei

very shortly: when we explore, as you do, the causal or co-determinant
relations between music and the genetic code, we could go two ways: either
we see this connection with regard to 'given' music (this is the classic
scientific way of 'explaining' the phenomena going to the'causes') and/or we
try to see what happens when we 'play music' based on the genetic code (or
probably, less dangerous!?) when we play (or program) music on the basis of
a ((bio-)computer) simulation of the genetic code. This second line of
investigation is a (in the Greek sense of the word) practical one and it
includes an active interaction with the programing system (mainly ourselves,
but not exclusively). But at the end, the question about music remains open.
We probably think music in present (god-less) times within the horizon of
the abyss of human existence, i.e., within a ground-less horizon (in Kantian
terms: as an 'end in itself'). This is why all our efforts to explain
(causally) music does not even adress the question at stake. In case we 'do'
something like 'genetic music' we may (!) be looking at the abyss (or



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Received on Tue May 20 10:12:34 2003

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