[Fis] Optimality in music

From: Pedro C. Marijuán <marijuan@posta.unizar.es>
Date: Wed 21 May 2003 - 14:11:27 CEST

Dear FIS colleagues,

Thanks to Rafael and Sergei for their very interesting points. Although I
am really interested in the cellular and genetic connection of music,
perhaps it would be wiser postponing the details of that theme until the
next discussion. My personal hunch --I cannot help but dealing a little bit
about it!-- is that the connection of molecular patterns with 'sonorous'
music relies on optimality.

The speculation could go, more or less, like this: the informational
analysis of sonorous landscapes performed by the 'MTV channel' of our
intellection, incorporates sort of an inner mandate for optimal forms: we
enjoy the different musics as much as some inner info processes of pattern
recognition are fulfilled. Then, symmetries, golden means, etc., show up
'automatically' in numerous musical compositions, like in the cultural
products related to our visual preferences (architecture, painting,
decoration crafts, etc.). The triggering of deep emotional responses
follows up in the sonorous case, as some those 'abstract' patterns are at
the same time communicational landmarks of our species' emotional sounds
(and to some extent, shared by other Anthropoids, primates, mammals...).
Broad physiological repercussions would be conveyed throughout the central
and the autonomic nervous system --mostly the parasympatic system-- finally
touching on the different tissues and cells involved in their own
optimality processes at the molecular scale.

Much to my chagrin I can say very little about the formal properties of
music that could incorporate or contribute to such inborn optimalities of
our sonorous processing. I think that this formal aspect of music could be
a relevant path into our global discussion -- tentative responses to
Juan's initial question WHAT IS MUSIC would be needed!

best wishes

PS. I also join Luis' suggestion on discussing about economic info and
natural resources. Actually, if the interested parties find it OK, we
could have that session just after the next one on molecular patterns.

fis mailing list
Received on Wed May 21 13:53:24 2003

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