Dear Shu-Kun,
Thank you for the elegant closing comments on the
molecular recognition session, and apologies for
my poor participation in the whole discussion. I
would like to suggest you bringing to the
empirical test your theoretical approach --for
instance, by trying to explain a number of
experimental anomalies we find in the treatment
of metals and alloys with laser (I am
collaborating in this project with leading
crystallographer Angel Vegas). Best wishes.
-- Xermán de la Fuente Leis Laboratorio de Procesado de Materiales por Láser Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza) María de Luna, 3 E50018 Zaragoza (Spain) TEL. +34.976.76.25.27 - +34.607.28.20.07 FAX +34.976.76.19.57 EMAIL: _______________________________________________ fis mailing list on Tue Oct 21 00:55:42 2003
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