[Fis] Social Complexity: concluding comments

[Fis] Social Complexity: concluding comments

From: Pedro Marijuan <marijuan@unizar.es>
Date: Tue 27 Mar 2007 - 18:11:19 CEST

Dear FIS collegues,

It was not possible for Joe sending his concluding comments to the session
(at the time being he is involved in several trips and in general has been
caught in a real avalanche of work these months). So, we have talked during
this session, as usual, on a number of disconnected themes and have
obtained not much sustance... apparently. Let me express myself in rather
literary terms, and epitomize that social complexity appears as the highest
archetype regarding any conceivable form of complexity. Thus it might well
be the last informational theme to master --or maybe the first one. The new
conceptual alignment to promote around informational discussions somehow
reminds the historical "battle of the books". The present social
integration of science and the development of collective intelligence among
disciplines was historically caught under the wings of the Enlightment (let
us remind an obscure discussion we had on E.O. Wilson and his "Ionian
Enchantment" years ago). Readdressing the Enlightment's error could be a
polemic-minded literary label for the socio-cultural aspects of info
science, for a new understanding of the globalized society and its new/old
complexity networks.

Joe will send in next months a far more appropriate concluding comment!

best regards


fis mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 27 17:59:34 2007

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