Pedro said:
>Rather than continuing the discussion about Stan's integrative categories,
>I would advocate for the search of a genuine 'informational' approach to
>the sciences. I mean, logics, natural language, number theory, etc., are
>important tools of most scientific disciplines, but they tell very little
>on how the disciplines should interrelate. Or about the 'relevance' of the
>different approaches to the problems to confront. Per se, they are not
>tools of inter-disciplinary consilience (they are 'intra').
Certainly these categories are only beginning points. Beginning with
these, one can proceed further by noting that the higher level, in {{higher
level} lower level}, imposes informational restrictions upon the dynamics
of the lower level, as when, for example, biological systems organize
diffusion by way of configurations of circulatory systems, or, the way
farmers organize the reproductive activities of agricultural animals. If
there is a clear formal description of the lower level dynamics, then, for
example, it would be possible to indicate where constant parameters
introduced by the higher level would operate, and/or what values these
parameters should take. The details are what we are seeking, but first we
need to organize the search from the top.
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Received on Tue Oct 19 21:57:08 2004
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