James Barham wrote:
>I guess the differences between us to remain pretty deep, after all.
> I don't like to argue about the meanings of words,
This is an extremely timely expression of what we have been discussing.
Because we have the term called information in our dictionary, we would like
to know what it could be. At the same time, we would not say we like to know
what the demonstrative pronoun, that is "it", could be in a demonstrative
manner. If information is a pronoun of something else, I would like to know
that something else. Perhaps, Peter Erdi may focus on some relevant papers
in the log for this objective.
Koichiro Matsuno
Department of BioEngineering
Nagaoka University of Technology
Nagaoka 940-2188, Japan
Voice & Fax: +81 258 47 9420
Received on Thu May 23 04:58:53 2002
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