[Fis] biological "dynamics"

[Fis] biological "dynamics"

From: Pedro Marijuan <marijuan@unizar.es>
Date: Mon 16 Jan 2006 - 17:49:18 CET

Dear FIS colleagues,

Another interesting question about biomolecular networks may concern the
overall characterization of their emergent "dynamics" regarding the
parallel, we have so often discussed, with mechanical/Newtonian dynamics.
Let me attempt that exercise in a trivial way:

1. ("Inertia") The living is continuously engaged in the advancement of a
manifold trajectory: the life cycle of self-re-production.

2. ("Force & Acceleration") The advancement of the life cycle across the
inner structure of checkpoints is propelled (or nullified) by the incoming
environmental affordances.

3. ("Action and Reaction") Effects of signaling events are irrespective of
their material underpinning.

Point 1 basically concerns generative information, the consequences of
handling fabrication blueprints; point 2 is mostly about the processual
structures (and is highly related to ongoing discussions in systems
biology); while point 3 concerns the asymmetry of communication phenomena
and the systemic "freedom" in the cellular elaboration of meaning.

To reiterate the paradox: as one can find in most papers and texts on
biomolecular matters, the notion of mechanism seems to be valid up and down
any conceivable scale, particularly at the molecular level---what is then
the source of these strange emergences utterly culminating in minds and
consciousness? Surreptitious dualism?

best regards


fis mailing list
Received on Mon Jan 16 17:44:06 2006

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