Gqnpcheck this out what is c'a.ll_ed 'best b-u-y' and 'affordable rx'

Gqnpcheck this out what is c'a.ll_ed 'best b-u-y' and 'affordable rx'

From: lavern giampapa <>
Date: Tue 05 Oct 2004 - 20:36:09 CEST


For our o`nli^ne ph`ar.m~a-cy, the sales figure is important but the health
of our customers is m_or-e important, which is why the company does provide
o`n_line o-rde`-r reviewing service for the customers and suggest them to
consult their do,^ct-_ors for details on the dosage on the m,^ed_s.

perish, n^.or one of the souls it treasured. I turned my prayer to
thanksgiving: the Source of Life was also the Saviour of spirits.
gerningers 10 kolorist 32kongetitlen gl|dendedamkulturernes
management of a committee. Mr. Brocklehurst, who, from his wealth
Received on Tue Oct 5 17:26:34 2004

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