ol godinger,
yesssss... bin einverstanden... mit einer resalve:
. the concept of information only works within the frame of novelty and the pragmatic reaction of the receiving system...
denke wenn man sagt ...within the frame of comation.. dann reduziert man den austausch (oder die existenz) von information auf Kommunikation, was ja eine bewusste Intentionalität (eben den communication) voraussetzt... order from noise.. in the universe !!!
siii jaa
ps: habe einige alte texte von uns in bearbeitung, glaube es ist was publizierbares dabei, werds dir mal schicken..
übrigens hab ich die inversao.. auf pdf gespeichert
> Gente,
> What Collier and others call potential information, isnt it just an ensemble
> of signs and signals, which for themself dont have any meaning at all, if
> they are not interpreted. Information is something actual, news, innovation,
> something different from what has been before. There is no "old"
> information. Even history is to be rewritten every time. Information depends
> on the difference from what was or from what is expected to be. It marks one
> specific event out of a variety of possible events.
> Therefore, the concept of information only works within the frame of
> communication processes which produce the specific formats and contents of
> information. Order from noise.
> Gottfried Stockinger
> Salvador, Brasil: *71 374 7563
> Vienna, Austria: * 1 983 3979
Received on Tue May 14 00:52:31 2002
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