RE: [Fis] consilience of limited observers

From: Viktoras Didziulis <>
Date: Sat 30 Oct 2004 - 09:13:47 CEST

>Stanley said: Yet, even here it cannot be the case that fractals are
>appropriate models. Fractals are more or less continuous, but scale
>hierarchies have breaks at scale differences of about order of magnitude.
I would think they could be... Fractals are not necessarily continuous.
There are many discontinuous or discrete fractals. Some examples: Cantor's
dust, Sierpinski's gasket, Koch's curve and many fractals produced using
affine, polynomial or other transformations of spaces and geometric
primitives, other IFS methods, etc... However I would tend to think that the
most of natural phenomena are neither truly continuous nor discrete. Most
likely if one looks at a distant complex Something it may seem continuous,
but when it is zoomed in - one sees jumps, discontinuous patterns made of
seemingly continuous smaller ones. It is still possible to zoom in again and
to discover that those seemingly continuous smaller patterns are also made
of yet smaller discontinuities, thus one could zoom probably down to Plank's
constant looking at how every continuum turns to discontinuum at smaller
scales made of other continuums that zoom into yet smaller discontinuities
Best regards

fis mailing list
Received on Fri Oct 29 23:12:32 2004

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