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From: by way of <kharelm@mail.com.np>
Date: Tue 22 Oct 2002 - 15:06:11 CEST

Dear Dr. Christian Fuchs

Please kindly find the abstract paper intended for presentation in the
symposium on Non Linearity..... in Self organization to be held on Feb 7 to
9 th 2003.
Thank you,

Mohan Kharel, Nepal

The Dynamism of Competition and Co-operation in Self Organization
                                             Mohan Kharel, Nepal

        Association of forces, from Big Bang stage to date, in any entities,
physical or biological is an intrinsic property. They show similar property
in social and psychological functions as well. They resume the form either
as competitive or co-operative forces. The activities such as: interchange
of matter into energy (Einstein Theory), and relation of particle to sub
particle, sub particle to energy and energy to spirituality (Capra, 1982)
and similarly the maintenance of global temperature, water cycle, gaseous
cycle, biological cycle, assimilation, synthesis (photosynthesis),
symbiosis, and all in all, interaction of biology with physical objects
thereby forming an ecosystem as well as human interactions leading to
positive understanding constitute the cooperative forces. On the other
hand, the emergence of coacervates, the first prebiotic life, out of
infinite number of molecules in the Hot Dilute Soup (Oparin Theory), the
survival race of nucleic acid (DNA) from the prebiotic life to date
(Dawkins, 1989), the evolution through natural selection (Darwin's
Theory), and social domination feature in human society are the product of
the force-competition. Tao religion says the intriguing tussle of
the opposite forces, termed as Yang and Yin, produces the third forces
with additional characteristic having the vital forces of life i.e. Chi.

        In human affairs, now the paradigm shift from 'competition for
competition sake' to 'competition for cooperation sake' is essential, for
better self regulation (organization). The competition for creating healthy
environment, the competition for making people happy, the competition for
making beautiful society, park, community, the competition for making
society as well as the world equitable, justifiable, harmonious, the
competition for loving others etc. can open new course of human activities
having complementary interactions of competition and cooperation. Presently
the sense of competition are germinated from the axis of the jealousness,
dominance or greed for supremacy, consequently resulting into unhealthy
fruits, never satisfying the real human zeal for peace and happiness. Hence
it is urged to shift the substrate of competition from previous axis to
new axis, i.e. from jealousness, hatred, dominance, greed to the love,
sacrifice, altruism and humanity, so as to create higher quality
(civilized) self-regulation.

Capra, F. 1982. The Turning Point. Falming, Harper Collins Publishers, London.
Dawkins, R. 1987. The Selfish Gene. Oxford University press, New York.

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