Below I am forwarding to
the fis-list, a letter
Sergei sent me in response
to my question concerning
group-theoretic models of
his biological work.
Michael Leyton
Dear Michael,
Thank you very much for your kind email. The main publication about my
researches of genetic sub-alphabets is my book: S.V.Petoukhov "The
Biperiodic Table of Genetic Code and Number of Protons", Moscow, 2001 (in
Russian). The book has a special paragraph: "About a nature of genetic code
and problem of geometrization of biology", p.230-238. This paragraph
describes certain materials on your question about translating into
group-theoretic terms.
A problem of interpretation of basic biological phenomena from a
group-theoretic viewpoint was one of the most interesting for me during all
my scientific life. All my 4 books (in Russian) concern this problem: 1)
S.V.Petoukhov "Biomechanics, Bionics and Symmetry", Moscow, 1981, 238p.
S.V.Petoukhov "Geometries of living nature and algorithms of
self-organization", Moscow, 48p. 3) S.V.Petoukhov "Biosolitons - One
Secret of Living Matter. The Bases of Solitonic Biology", Moscow, 288p.
(this book concerns a group of Lorents transformations from sine-Gordon
equation from academic theory of solitons; information in English about
book you can find at site );
4) the book on genetic code mentioned above. The example of my researches
group-theoretical problems in biology was published in English in my
article: S.V.Petoukhov, Non-Euclidean geometries and algorithms of living
bodies. - Computers & Mathematics with Applications, v.17, � 4-6, 1989,
If I'll make new publications on this group-theoretic topic, I
could inform you.
Concerning to your professional positions in the field of
mathematics, I could mention that the first presentation and publication of
my results on the binary sub-alphabets of genetic code was at "The
International conference on discrete geometry and its applications", which
was dedicated to professor S.S.Ryshkov's 70th anniversary (Moscow State
University, January 24-27, 2001), p.73-74. I attach this first publication
in English to this email.
By the way, we are organizing now an international "Symmetry
Festival 2003" ( Budapest, August 16-22, 2003). Questions of group theory
will be one of the main questions there. You can find a detailed
at site . You are welcome to
participate at this Congress.
fis mailing list
Received on Wed May 28 12:57:22 2003
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