Re: E-conf. preparations

From: Don Mikulecky <>
Date: Wed 05 Dec 2001 - 23:26:44 CET

Sorry, but I'll still be teaching then.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pedro C. Marijuán" <>
To: "Multiple recipients of list FIS" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 8:50 AM
Subject: E-conf. preparations

> Dear FISers,
> The preparations for the fis elect. conf. are advancing. It will take
> around 2nd May 2002. A scientific advisory board including a balanced
> representation of disciplines, countries, and trends within the fis
> initiative is almost formed. We are also closer to having a final title.
> The proposed initial one was ON INFORMATION: ITS NATURE, ITS
> MISCONCEPTIONS. But there is some more preferences for the following: THE
> have been a few extra suggestions, but these two are clearly leading the
> pack).
> The technical organizer is a Swiss infotech company (as a reference of
> similar works, see ) with scientific
> interests pretty close to our own orientations. The contributors to the
> conference (in principle, it is open to all fis members--with a minimum
> review for outsiders) will be granted a web and CD publication of their
> contribution, plus a special issue in the elect. journal Entropy (maybe
> selected papers, depending on the total number of contributions). It will
> imply no cost for us. After the "vernissage day" (2nd may) hanging all the
> papers simultaneously, there will be a round of comments and discussions
> (perhaps a first, brief phase with just overall comments, and a second
> phase closer to our long discussions of the past, moderated by section
> chairs).
> Please, in order to produce a short presentation text and a "catholic"
> of suggested conf. topics, I will much appreciate receiving inputs from
> interested parties, either privately to my individual address or to this
> collective fis address. We are planning to make the official
> web-announcement in around one or two weeks. The technical organizers will
> also appreciate receiving suggestions on possible companies helping to
> support the costs of the event (it could also help us to finance a future
> fis "real" venue)... Their addresses are:,
> Some of the above details may still change, but at the time being the
> project looks pretty robust.
> Best wishes
> Pedro
> =========================================
> Pedro C. Marijuán
> Fundación CIRCE
> CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain
> TEL. (34) 976 762036-761863, FAX (34) 976 732078
> email:
> =========================================
Received on Wed Dec 5 23:26:05 2001

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