[Fis] Re: Encoding and Decoding as Essential to Quantum Information Theory?

[Fis] Re: Encoding and Decoding as Essential to Quantum Information Theory?

From: Jerry LR Chandler <JerryLRChandler@Verizon.net>
Date: Sun 21 May 2006 - 17:59:05 CEST

Dear Andrei:

On May 21, 2006, at 6:00 AM, fis-request@listas.unizar.es wrote:

> I remark that if
> one defines information through entropy than if fact information
> theory
> is reduced to probability theory.

If one removes an essential components, one removes the essence of
the subject.

Intrinsic to any meaningful notion of "information theory"
is the necessity for encoding and decoding processes.

The fact that mathematics can be used to facilitate transmission is
secondary to the encoding and decoding processes created for the
express purpose of communicating..

Shannon labeled his work A (The) Theory of Communication.

Thus, the question for me becomes, how do we encode the source of the
encoding processes into quantum mechanics?

And, how do we decode the source of the decoding processes into
quantum mechanics?



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Received on Sun May 21 18:08:42 2006

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