Re: information

From: mark burgin <>
Date: Sat 15 Jun 2002 - 00:23:18 CEST

Dear Dr. Rafael Capurro ,
With agreat interest I have read the Trialogue "Is a unified theory of
information feasible?" Your lemma is especially intereting to me bacause
I also research these problems. My research shows that it is possible to
overcome the obstacles you are writing about and to have a general
definition of information. I can agree that it might be hard to achieve
an absolute definition, but a general parametric definition (with a
systemic, not numerical parameter) works. It is demonstrated in the
general theory of information. You can read about this theory, for
example, in my paper "The essence of information,"which is presented at
FIS 2002.
I would like to stress that utilization of specific parameters allows
one not anly to discern different types of information, but also to
discover new types.

Dr. Mark Burgin
Received on Sat Jun 15 00:24:32 2002

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