[Fis] End of the Session

From: Pedro C. Marijuán <marijuan@unizar.es>
Date: Wed 30 Jun 2004 - 11:51:55 CEST

Dear FIS Colleagues,

It is time to put an end to the Entropy and Information session. Let us
warmly thank Michel for his chairmanship: he has done a splendid job,
conducing with elegance and personal "savoir faire" our discussions and
divagations around the endless complications of the subject... Needless to
say that we will return quite often to this fascinating theme.

During the vacational period the list keeps open for posting any ideas or
suggestions or interesting references to books and papers ---of course, the
limitation of two postings per week continues.

Around the middle of September we will have a new session about


It will be chaired by Malcolm Forster (philosopher of science, University
of Wisconsin). A perusal on the publications in his Web page is highly
recommended: http://philosophy.wisc.edu/forster/ (for instance, on
Whewell's consilience of the sciences, or on the meaning of temperature and
entropy in statistical mechanics). Thanks are due to John Collier for his
contribution to organizing this new session.

Have a nice Summer,


PS: In preparation a biomolecular session --The mind and the gene: networks
of biological organization (suggestions welcome!).
Received on Wed Jun 30 11:21:02 2004

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