Svar: Re: [Fis] continuing the session molecular recognition and inviting papers on this topic

From: Søren Brier <>
Date: Mon 15 Sep 2003 - 14:29:54 CEST

Dear All

Allow me to draw your attension to the Heinz von Foerster conference in Vienna 10-15.Th of November and to my new mail and affiliation. Bee below here or in better orgnized form in the attachment.

Monday, November 10
The Imperative of Change:
If you wish to remain yourself, change!
Heinz von Foerster's Imperative concerning change, which he referred to as the "Therapeutic Imperative" appears as a paradox: how can one both change and remain the same? Heinz von Foerster answers this question by appealing to the 2,600 year old wisdom of the I Ching. Under the hexagram Fu, the turning point, it says "The ultimate frame for change is the unchanging." (The "Paris Paper", Ethics and Second Order Cybernetics, 1990)

Tuesday, November 11
The Imperative of Learning:
If you wish to see, learn to act!
Heinz von Foerster's "Aesthetic Imperative" Imperative addresses learning. Since we can only sense when we actively engage with our world, then learning can only arise through action. Simply acting, without awareness of consequence is the provenance of all living things. Humans can be aware of what they do, why, and how. Humans can also be aware that they are constitute their own worlds through their living, and this inclusion of the observing as constituting the observed system is a characteristic of second order cybernetics. Thus we understand that doing and knowing, are always in an endless circular relashionship which manifests as life and learning.

Wednesday, November 12
The Ethical Imperative:
Always act to increase the number of possibilities!
Heinz von Foerster's best known Imperative concerns ethical behaviour. He developed it for himself, as the best way he could imagine guiding his own behaviour in the face of never claiming access to any ultimate "right"; namely to act always in a way which increased the number of possibilities. Given that he saw himself as part of the universe, he could not claim that he or anyone has acces to some ultimate truth.
Panelists and Keynote Speakers
(for further information about each speaker, please see German version on
Dr. Katharina ANGER, PhD
Dr. Barbara ANGER-DÍAZ, PhD
Dr. Søren BRIER, PhD
Dr. Pille BUNNELL, PhD
Dr. J. Scott CARLEY
Manuel F. DÍAZ
Dr. Gerhard HUHN
Prof. Dr. Ray ISON
Prof. Dr. Louis KAUFFMAN
Dr. Kevin B. KREITMAN, PhD
Prof. Dr. Günter KÜPPERS
Dr. Allenna LEONARD, PhD
Dr. Wolfram LUTTERER
Prof. Dr. Humberto R. MATURANA
Mag. Lucas PAWLIK
Dr. Bernhard PÖRKSEN
Mag. Sonja RADATZ
Prof. Dr. Gebhard RUSCH
Prof. Dr. Fritz B. SIMON
Prof. Dr. Stuart UMPLEBY
Prof. Dr. Rudolf WIMMER
Prof. Dr. André Frank ZIMPEL
The Program

Monday, November 10The imperative of Change:If you wish to remain yourself, change! Tuesday, November 11 The Imperative of LearningIf you wish to see, learn to act! Wednesday, November 12 The Ethical ImperativeAlways act to increase the number of possibilities!
9.00 - 9.309:30 - 10-0010:00-10:45 Opening Remarks Ernst von Glasersfeld(video presence)Welcome Ceremony withArt in RhythmThe Imperative of change-Monika Bröcker 09.00- 10.00 The Imperative of LearningStuart Umpleby 09.00- 10:00 The Ethical ImperativeHumberto Maturana
10.4511.15 Break 10:00-10:30 Break 10:00-10:30 Break
11.15 -13:15 PANEL CONVERSATIONS1. Conservation and Change in Enterprise:* The whole is not the sum of its parts (L. Kauffman)* Managing Identity through Constructing the Story (F. Dievernich)* Rigid Self-Images as Barriers for Managing in Complex Circumstances (W. Lutterer)2. Initiation of Strategic Change in Organizations:* The Play of Play is to Change the Rules (L. Pawlik)* A Strategic Basis for Constructivist Communication in Organizations (G, Rusch)* Solution Strategies for Selforganization (G. Ivanovas) 3. Change Processes in Organizations:* Newness Arises through Repetition(A. Zimpel)* Radical Transformations in Complex Organizations (R. WImmer)* Change Processes as a New Invention in Organizations (S. Radatz) 10:3013:00 PANEL CONVERSATIONS1. Learning as Business Strategy:* Strategic Planning given Uncertainty and Complexity (G. Küppers)* From *do more of the same" to Do something different" (K. Kreitman)2. The Formation of Learning Relationships in Orga!
nizations:* Seeing Grounds Action while Doing Grounds Vision (P. Bunnell)* Understanding Understanding as Pragmatic Communication (S. Brier)* Esablishing Systems Thinking in Organizations (R. Ison) 3. Change Processes in Organizations:* Nurturing the Creative Potential in Organizations(G. Huhn)* From Learning to Selforganizing Learning (B. Pörksen) 10:3012:45 PANEL CONVERSATIONS1. On the Way to Ethical Organizations:* Alternatoves to an Economic Fundamentalism in Business (A. Leonard)* Precaution and the Ethical Imperative (S. Carley)* Values as Avoidable Power Strategies (F. SImon)2. New Strategies and Opportunities for Ethical Organizations:* Achieving Organizational Flexibility through changes in Belief Systems. (B. Anger-Diaz, K. Anger and M. Diaz)* New Strategic Possibilities through changing Organizational Language (P. Pangaro)3. Living the Ethic:* Living as *A Part of the World" according to Heinz von Foerster (M. Bröcker)* Organizations arise as Communiti!
es in Conversation (K. Krippendorff)
13:15-14:30 Lunch 13:00-14:30 Lunch 12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:30 -16:00 Workshops, Playshops, and Case Studies with speakers from the morning as well as others. 14:30- 16:00 Workshops, Playshops, and Case Studies with speakers from the morning as well as others. 14:00 15:30 Workshops, Playshops, and Case Studies with speakers from the morning as well as others.
16.00-16.30 Break 16.00-16.30 Break 15:30-15:45 Break
16:3018:30 Workshops, Playshops, and Case Studies 16:3018:00 Workshops, Playshops, and Case Studies 15:45-16:30 Closing Ceremony with Art in Rhythm
18.30 - 19.30 Review of the Day with Art in Rhythm 18.15-19:15 Review of the Day with Art in Rhythm
after20.00 We go to a Heurigen! 19.30 Heinz, the MagicianA magical demonstration for managers with Magic Christian (with dinner)

Best wishes Søren Brier.

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Received on Mon Sep 15 14:33:17 2003

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