Re: [Fis] FIS / introductory text / 5 April 2004

From: Pedro C. Mariju�n <>
Date: Wed 07 Apr 2004 - 14:29:50 CEST

Dear colleagues,

Let me briefly add a comment inspired by recent postings from Igor and
Aleks. When I wrote:

>The historical conceptualization of entropy (and of energy--actually the
>first and second laws) introduced an amazing conceptual order and
>parsimony into the chaotic disarray existing in that time about motion,
>kinetic/potential, work, heat ('caloric'), electricity, electromagnets,
>oscillation, sound, waves, light, chemicals, batteries, body chemistry...
>Really, one is reminded our contemporary problems with information, that
>so clearly are reflected in Michel's landscape.

In the multiplicity of information forms, isn't 'meaning' the invariant
element that we try to convey, translate, etc., among the different and
multifarious transformations we perform on information? Much like energy
itself was the invariant in the above forms, as Mayer and Joule hinted...
Then, the invariant meaning has to struggle in communities and species to
keep such invariance afloat against the sea of biological irregularities
and drifts I discussed weeks ago. ---Intriguingly, the motor theory of
perception (Berthoz and others) related to Arbib schematas, would bring
such an ACTION based approach to a potential connection with some of the
thermodynamic ideas discussed these very days. The final 'Dictionary' (and
tokenization) would be based on a motor repertoire, and a motor-based
analysis of our perceptions (also close to Michael Leyton views).



PS. During next vacational days I will check my mail very occasionally.
Keep up the list discipline of two postings per week (every other week one
extra of courtesy)!

fis mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 7 14:01:44 2004

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