Re: [Fis] 2004 FIS session: concluding comments

From: Pedro C. Marijuán <>
Date: Tue 15 Jun 2004 - 12:36:25 CEST

Dear Michel and colleagues,

Thanks for the concluding comments. They have reminded us that we must
contemplate a whole "conceptual cluster" around information physics the
components of which come from very different traditions of thought ---see
the current micro-postings on distinguishability, disorder, etc. We can
play endless games on conceptual inconsistencies, unless a common
integrative approach is developed. My contention is that such integrative
approach cannot advance without a radical reinterpretation of the cognizing
subject (conscious observer) and a revolutionary new vision of the whole
scientific enterprise. Try for instance to approach what
'distinguishability' is...


PS. Micro-posters should remind that their 'minis' also count in the weekly
rule ----undistinguishable (symmetrical?) of regular ones.

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Received on Tue Jun 15 12:05:12 2004

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