From: Gordana Dodig Crnkovic <gordana.dodig-crnkovic@mdh.se>
Date: Fri 22 Oct 2004 - 23:07:11 CEST

We apologize for multiple copies of this CFP. Please distribute widely.


                            Call for Papers


                       COMPUTING AND PHILOSOPHY

                        E-CAP2005@MDH SWEDEN

      Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden, June 2-4, 2005

      Chair: Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic gordana.dodig-crnkovic@mdh.se






January 28, 2005 Submission of extended abstracts

March 1, 2005 Notification of acceptance

May 7, 2005 Early registration deadline

Jun 2-4, 2005 Conference

August 25, 2005 Camera-ready paper



>From Thursday 2 to Saturday 4 June 2005 the International European

Conference COMPUTING AND PHILOSOPHY will be held at the Mälardalen

University, Västerås (near Stockholm, Sweden).



Greg Chaitin - Meta Math - The Quest for Omega

Barry Smith - Biological Ontologies

Terrel Bynum - Exploring the Foundations of Information Ethics



The conference will deal with all aspects of the "computational turn" that

is occurring through the interaction of disciplines of philosophy and


RELEVANT RESEARCH AREAS We call for papers that cover topics pertaining to

computing and philosophy from the following list:


- Metaphysics (Distributed Processing, Emergent Properties, Formal Ontology,

  Network Structures, etc)

- Philosophy of Information and Information Technology

- Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Problem of Consciousness

- Computational Linguistics

- Computer-based Learning and Teaching Strategies and Resources &

  The Impact of Distance Learning on the Teaching of Philosophy and


- Information and Computing Ethics

- Biological Information, Artificial Life, Biocomputation

- New Models of Logic Software



Authors should submit an electronic version of an extended abstract (total

word count approximately 1000 words). The file should also contain a 300

word abstract that will be used for the conference web site/booklet. Final

papers must not exceed a total word count of 3500 words and an abstract of

not more than 500 words. The submissions should be made electronically,

either as PDF, rtf or Word format.

To submit papers visit http://www.idt.mdh.se/ECAP-2005/submit

The extended abstract submission deadline is Friday 28th January 2005.



A special Work in Progress (WiP) session will be organized. This session is

mainly intended for presentation of on-going and recent work. Accepted

papers will not be included in the conference proceedings, instead they will

be published through the www. Submission should be sent in the same format

as extended abstracts. Please indicate on your submission: WiP.


For information about paper submission and the program that is not available

on the web site, please contact the program chair.



Registration fee before/after 7 May 2005:

Standard: EURO 200/250 (all the activities of the Conference, Reception

Included) Phd Students: EURO 100/150

Students: Free


One day only: EURO 100,0

No refunds will be granted after May 12th, 2005


For registration please visit the conference web site:




To book accommodation, please visit the conference web site:




Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Mälardalen University, Sweden (Program chair)



Göran Collste (LiU, Sweden)

Chris Dobbyn (Open University, UK)

Luciano Floridi (U-Bari, Italy and U-Oxford, UK) Lars-Göran Johansson

(Uppsala-U, Sweden) Staffan Larsson (Göteborg-U, Sweden) Lorenzo Magnani

(U-Pavia, Italy) Colin Schmidt (Le Mans-U and Sorbonne-U, France) Susan

Stuart (Glasgow-U, United Kingdom) May Thorseth (NTNU, Norway) Lena Trojer

(BIT, Sweden) Tom Ziemke (U-Skövde, Sweden) Pedro C. Marijuán (U-Zaragoza,

Spain) Søren Brier (KVL, Denmark)



Ms Ylva Boivie, Mälardalen University, Sweden E-mail ylva.boivie@mdh.se Tel

+46 21-107093



Västerås is Sweden's sixth largest city. Located on beautiful Lake Mälaren,

it offers all the amenities of a large city while maintaining a small town


The journey between Västerås and Stockholm takes 50 minutes by trains which

run twice an hour from early morning to late at night.




Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

 <http://www.idt.mdh.se/personal/gdc/> http://www.idt.mdh.se/personal/gdc/

Senior Lecturer


Mälardalen University,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering










Received on Fri Oct 22 23:07:55 2004

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