[Fis] going on

From: Pedro C. Marijuán <marijuan@unizar.es>
Date: Mon 15 Mar 2004 - 14:30:32 CET

Dear colleagues,

Thanks for your responses and comments on the Madrid events. Life goes on...

The preparations for the coming session on Entropy and Information are
going reasonable well. In a few days there will be an announcement with the
approximate starting date and the chairing.

As we did for the session on 'Ecological Economics and Information' we are
currently making an effort to incorporate interesting new people to the
discussion. Your suggestions will be welcome.



PS. For the people who have just inscribed into the list, there is a fis
site http://fis.iguw.tuwien.ac.at/ where one can find information about
past discussions. At http://fis.iguw.tuwien.ac.at/mailings/ there is the
whole mails exchanged in the fis discussion list, starting in 1997. At
http://www.mdpi.net/fis2002/ the e-conference fis2002.

fis mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 15 14:01:56 2004

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