Re: Two questions

From: Pedro C. Marijuan <>
Date: Wed 10 May 2000 - 14:32:50 CEST

dear Juan and FISers,

Sorry , I did not realize that I had left unanswered your question a few
weeks ago:

>To Pedro Marijuan, Do you think these three info aspects you mention
>(constitutive, generative, comunicational) could be lumped together in a
>unified brain info theory, as you seem to suggest implicitly in another

Maybe, but usually there is no such thing as "big unified theories of
anything". There are a continous drive in scientific theories and
disciplines towards more unity but at the same time towards more
disunity... Concretely in neurocience, there is room nowadays to ampler
unity, I would bet, particularly around the notion of representation that
Peter discussed, but also for instance around the contemplation of synaptic
events--quite strategic in brain theory too.

Perhaps one could produce arguments (based on the accumulated findings on
Eukaryotic Signalling Systems) that could give more "depth" to the synaptic
info processing, somehow incorporating the "generative" and protein
synthesis-related phenomena that take place particularly in the
postsynaptic side of excitatory synapses. The "time dimensions" of the
tasks performed there by second messengers are quite intriguing... maybe it
is there that the emotions you mention get injected into the overall
functioning of the info processing system... who knows.



Pedro C. Marijuan. TEL 34 976 761 927, FAX 34 976 762 111
BIOINFORMATION GROUP. Dept. Ingen. Electronica y Comunicaciones,
CPS Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Thu May 11 09:18:07 2000

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