Re: FIS2002 papers for ENTROPY

From: Pedro C. Mariju�n <>
Date: Fri 31 Jan 2003 - 14:06:48 CET

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to Shu-Kun for his announcement. Yes, this time the publication of
fis 2002 Proceedings in Entropy will be a fact pretty soon. ALL
CONTRIBUTORS are encouraged to make an effort and contribute to these
Proceedings (well, given the nature of the journal Entropy, maybe a couple
of contributions do not seem to fit-in). In any case these Proceedings
should show the real variety of fis trends.

NEXT MONDAY I WILL SEND GUIDELINES on how to handle the process. Please,
wait a little before starting to correspond about the Proceedings.

best wishes


At 13.19 31/1/03 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear Colleagues,
>I am now in Basel, Switzerland and will work efficiently for ENTROPY.
>Please submit your FIS2002 papers for ENTROPY as soon as possible. You
>should send it to Pedro (e-mail within 2
>Pedro and I already processed and accepted two papers
>ready for publication.
>We plan to publish the FIS2002 Proceedings as the first issue,
>Volume 5, 2003, in March 2003. Therefore, the manuscripts
>in their final forms should be in Pedro's hands before 15 February 2003.
>Again, 15 February 2003 is the deadline.
>Best regards,
>Dr. Shu-Kun Lin
>Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
>Matthaeusstrasse 11, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland
>Tel. +41 79 322 3379
>Fax +41 61 302 8918
Received on Fri Jan 31 14:06:48 2003

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