Theory of Information. Trying to answer: WHAT FOR?

From: elohimjl <>
Date: Fri 31 Jan 2003 - 16:23:13 CET

A Theory of Information in the domain of the proposed Information
Science would be by definition a certain set of general principles
derived from one or another generalization of empirical knowledge

Principles necessarily constituted with the intention of making
coherent enough the application of all kinds of information to
problematic circumstances or enigmatic situations that appear
approachable enough for being solved by means of one or another
peculiar information.

This description of what this theory might be, though it could be
considered obvious and even trivial, becomes enormously complicated
after observing that it emerges as a puzzle whose solution will be
impossible to agree in all those cases where it were assumed strictly
necessary to CONSIDER INFORMATION any and every possible and real
attachment, connection, coupling, junction, link, tie, union,
fastening, alliance, association,... between two or among several of
the distinguishable parts or factors of any natural or man-arranged
(being comprised those inspired by divinities) phenomena.

However, it can be assumed that this impossibility may become a
possibility searching ways for making the puzzle potentially
approachable through the gradual (due to numberless inherent
difficulties) recognition of the need of searching what may
constitute Unity through Diversity in the whole human concern.

But this assumption is not a magical recipe nor even a formula for
learning a feasible way of dealing with this huge problem because the
pretended evolvement of every human concern has been and continue
being prejudiced by narrow minded and twisted by shortsighted values
systematically aggravated by serious disruptions and inconvenient
deviations generated by the unconscious dynamics of the civilizing

Due to the way our magnificent civilized homosphere has been created
and built the pretended evolvement of most human concerns have been
more and more infected by numerous forces invented and imposed for
assuring the civilizing trends. These forces aim at making everything
homogeneous, whatever might be the consequences for every suffering

Alarming and even terrorizing examples of these homogenizing forces
are the rules invented and systematically updated by every elitist
decision making pretending to assure the functionality of every
civilizing experience that could emerged during the last six
millennia. Rules that inevitably caused every civilization to become
an unsustainable experiment. In each case the blindness and deafness
of the elites did not help at all to avoid the collapse of each

These are the rules that have determined the imposition of the
unilateral utilitarianism of the labor of masses of people - human
resources compulsively organized as MEGAMACHINES (Mumford). The so
called common people always had to proudly accept the role assigned
to them because their efforts would assure continuously the way of
life of the high civilized specimens of the human species - those who
claim that are the representatives of humankind because they are
cultivated and cultured humans.

A second example is the empowerment of armies always constituted by
well trained humans as admirably soldiers who behave as courageous
warriors willing to be recognized as brave guards of their country
against the menacing enemies and ready to kill individually or
massively all the adversaries and even died when necessary as real

The whole civilizing adventure has culminated in the grandiose MARKET
purposefully constituted as engine for the evolvement of the Western
civilization empowered by fallaciously democratic formulas, but so
far efficient means for maintaining its functionality, while being
disregarded its fragility. These are recipes continuously re-invented
for allowing every individual that belong to the masses, medium
classes and elites (six billion people and even more) to recognize
his or her respective place in the order conceived for making
operational every society. Unfortunately every society in the history
of civilization has bee always disrupted by dissidents who are always
accused of using terrorist methods, in order to impede them to carry
out their mission. This civilization is the only one that prevails at
present mostly funded by opportunistic allocations and bigoted
donations and protected by compulsive procedures decorated with
democratic announcements. Anyhow it is the apex of civilizing
processes conceived de facto for dehumanizing humans and
decerebralizing minds in order to build and efficient society of
buyers and consumers of goods produced by automatized factories.

Inevitably the unconscious dynamics that characterizes the whole
civilizing adventure has degenerated by itself and has become a
frightening threat to humanity. Nobody knows neither could forecast
whether it is too late to impede its collapse, but until today 31st
January 2003 it is still valid to assume that the human potentiality
may be awaken by means of INFORMATION humanely arranged.


Therefore, based on the original meaning assigned to the word
INFORMATION during the successful expansion of the Western
Civilization, in my view it seems better for the time being to
conceive and build - as a very first step - the THEORY of INFORMATION
exclusively in the domain of human concerns determined essentially by
the need of learning feasible ways for surviving physiologically,
psychologically and intellectually.

For this theory I have dared:

1) to tentatively define information as data perceived and
assimilated by a living being which may cause a certain behavioral
action or reaction, without being possible to know in advance whether
it will be useful enough for improving the survival chances of one or
several humans

2) to realize that due to causes - engendered by civilizing processes
- that have arisen during the degradation of human values, the
information employed for pushing ahead the unsustainable civilization
may either be truthful or partially truthful or frankly false

3) to notice that truthful information is always in practical terms a
single perspective or a set of various perspectives of some aspects
of the reality singularly perceived and peculiarly interpreted by
individuals who unavoidably are only partially tolerant

4) to observe for being taken into account that humans cannot avoid
to perform (perceive and interpret) according to biased assumptions
that have been diversely accumulated and bizarrely arranged in every
mind inevitably causing numberless quandaries that are altogether the
main challenge in the generation of truthful information.

5) to recognize that due to selfish interests, greedy motivations and
egoistic feelings, at least, partially truthful and false information
are generated by purposefully structured misinformation

6) to accept as an unavoidable fact that truthfulness and falseness
in the generation of information and misinformation are phenomena
diversely and unpredictably affected by the superb spontaneousness
that characterizes the human mind which may make the reasoning to
become either tolerantly humane or heartlessly inhuman.

7) to desire, expect, believe and even trust that human potentiality
may be awakened again and again by means of a Weltanschauung ideology
systematically updated by truthful information about the effects
caused by the right and wrong use of truthful or partially truthful
or frankly false information.

Received on Fri Jan 31 16:44:45 2003

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