Re: n'.o one wants to be treated as a w.o-man at your 20s

Re: n'.o one wants to be treated as a w.o-man at your 20s

From: curt schroder <>
Date: Sat 02 Oct 2004 - 16:49:10 CEST

he is lamented by all

-----Original Message-----
From: lenny carillo []
To: curt schroder; lionel iverson; enoch sayers; jules blessman; duane
Sent: Thursday, September, 2004 1:15 PM
Subject: n^`o one wants to be treated as a w,o_man at your 20s

It is really a wise choice. The work for you is just to compare the l_o-w
price in site on rx m^'ed's with others. As long as the o.rde`'r is placed
the licensed do-`ct'^or will review your o-rde_~r and decide whether to
approve it. After the approval, the m^-ed,s o.rde'^red, be it V^al'~ium,
d^ar'von, Lipitor, Le-vitr,a, Tramadol, Paxil, v~i^agr~a, Alprazolam or
others,will be del-i.vered as quickly as possible.

Our rivals have a bone to p_i-ck with us for a long time about our
o_-f-fering m.ed~.ica.tions with l-o,w prices,precise service while keeping
m_ed`-ica_tions high quality. We believe you wouldn't miss the boat on
getting your m_ed^-ica'tions you n,e.ed.

juridiske 10 markedsf�ringers 32metalarbejde k�tterne leverpostej
the nations he has subdued! what a usurper! at his
Received on Sat Oct 2 14:39:28 2004

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