Pedro--You may not be sure but I am scared. Have I dropped off the mailling list somehow? I did not see a request for a two day pause. My fears compound because the message you did send me regarding a change in address that you fixed suddenly disappear
ed. I think it told me to do something, which I had not gotten around to. Then I had to shut down and when I checked back into the network about ten messages were gone, including yours. Anyway, I must be ok or this exchange with G would not have reache
d me. But if I am missing something let me know.
Meanwhile, I was wondering if my position paper had just turned the whole process off. If you think that is the case, let me know and I will bow out. Alternatively, is there a subtopic we could isolate that might kindle broader attention? I think the fe
w who have commented have been very valuable, but so few have commented.
Bob Artigiani
>>> Pedro C. Marijuan <> 10/02 5:02 AM >>>
Dear Gottfried,
I am not sure at all!
Let us wait and see how discussants react...
Pedro C. Marijuan. TEL 34 976 761927, FAX --761861 and -- 762111
Dept. Ingen. Electronica y Comunicaciones, CPS Universidad de Zaragoza,
Maria de Luna 3, Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Fri Oct 2 14:22:20 1998
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