Dear Allan and Bob
The FIS track is of course created to do what Bob has described below.
There will also be a FIS symposium with invited speakers. There will be
cybernetic, systemic and semiotic researchers also giving input to the FIS
problems. So it is a grand oppertunity for FIS to establish itself as a
legitimate and fascinating area of reseach.
Soeren Brier
>>> Bob Artigiani <> 24-11-98 15.58 >>>
Allan--Please plan on attending ISSS. And I certainly hope we get a good
turn oout from FIS. Perhaps we could use the opportunity to establish a
sort of seminar--a really intensive, face-to-face give and take in which we
tried to establish a shared body of knowledge and an keen awareness of
each other's perspectives. I will be at Asilomar--but the rest of you should
not let that keep you away.
Bob Artigiani
Received on Fri Nov 27 08:28:51 1998
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