Re: [Fis] Bell\'s inequality: Can we find its classical analogue? Classical and Quantum waves

Re: [Fis] Bell\'s inequality: Can we find its classical analogue? Classical and Quantum waves

From: Pedro Marijuan <>
Date: Fri 02 Jun 2006 - 10:56:47 CEST

Dear FISers,

A question I have about entanglement is what this phenomenon can tell us on
the nature of physical law. The "physical" existentiality of physical laws
themselves looks intriguing ---where do they "seat"? And what coherence and
entanglement may tell about that? Some physicists have replied me it is a
metaphysical and trivial question... but maybe not for advancing toward a
comprehensive informational vision of the quantum it / bit.

In another matter, as we change the time (& space) window from which we
observe phenomena, different modes of existence are found, or have to be
established. So to speak, things and entities pop-in and pop-out from
existence. I have doubts that some entities in Q Mechanics, e.g. about
particles and waves, are really adequate to their peculiar time
window--notwithstanding their mathematical description neatness. And about
their permanence within time itself, a curious "biologization" a la Smolin
might be thought of.

best regards



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Received on Fri Jun 2 10:50:00 2006

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