as far as I can see we can only say (*logos*)
somethin about *how things appear* , i.e.
*logic* in this sense is always *phenomeno-logic*
We can never now (if we are Kantians or not..)
about *how things actually work* just because
we are not the *cause* that brings things forth
into appeareace. Nature (*physis*) is per definition
what brings itself (and *things*= physei onta) forth.
Thus what we *gather* (which is also one basic
meaning of Greek *logos*) of what appears can
never be a fully foundation of what making thinks
appear like this or this. I would say that there is
something like a *complicity* between *logos* and
*phaenomena* i.e. we are involved within an
*informational circle* which is basically a situated
one. Being part of the play makes us responsible
for thinking what we believe *things are* (as they
appear) and for the changes our thinking introduces
into this play.
> We are talking about four domains here:
> --1. How things actually work
> --2. How things appear to work
> --3. How we express and reason about how things work
> --4. How the entities involved "express and reason about how things work"
> Best, Ted
> --
> Ted Goranson
> Advanced Enterprise Research Office
Received on Fri Sep 20 02:37:18 2002
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