Re: art, shape, and symmetry

From: <>
Date: Thu 11 Apr 2002 - 11:30:41 CEST

Dear Ted,

Thanks for the exciting posting!
I agree with most of your comments, and I think we are getting close to
converge on really foundational items of our field. Let me slightly amplify
the minor differences:
Your elegant comments on Leyton (a complete surprise--thanks Jim!) induce
me to initially support his position of focusing on the subject, either
emitter or receiver. Actually we are working here (a few fisers in
Zaragoza) on a sort of info theory, not really embodied, but at least
attempting a bridge on how the info realms in the 'constitutive' and the
'communicational' may interrelate. Our stuff is very modest (remember the
language of cells contribution we presented to the fis 98, based on
Javorsky's multidimensional partitions) and we are very excited with the
'food for thought' that your posting and similar works that are arriving
for the conf. do provide. Also, let me add that rather than talking about
"cognition" of things like cells and elementary particles, I would join
John Holgate's and prefer 'informational' (entities), however, I feel quite
reluctant to consider as informational the merely physical existentialities
(though, of course, one can always apply to them some Thermo or Sannon info
measurements). Informational existences start with the living cell onwars.
John Collier also made an intriguing point on Rosen--then shouldn't we look
for co-defining clusters of info concepts, as Kauffman mentions in his
Investigations, curiously relating Wittgenstein and Rosen views?



Pedro C. Marijuán
Fundación CIRCE
CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain
TEL. (34) 976 762036-761863, FAX (34) 976 732078
Received on Thu Apr 11 16:29:57 2002

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