Re: [Fis] Reply to Pedro

From: Luis Serra <>
Date: Fri 16 May 2003 - 13:23:47 CEST

Hello FISers,

This is my first posting in this list. My own research field is
thermoeconomics, so I am novice in musical things and I am very bad singer,
too. However, in the recent discussion about origins of music and of
language, I am inclined to give the primacy to music. Recently I heard
about a rare neurodegenerative disorder (of genetic nature) in which
language capabilities were very much affected while music ones were
enhanced. Supposedly Mozart suffered it. To me this can be a hint
indicating that language appeared later and that musical capabilities do
not have much common mechanism with language.

Despite it is my first posting (and without any intention of interfering in
this wonderful discussion about Music), I would like to suggest a future
FIS discussion about Natural Resources and Economic Information, which I
consider a very important and urgent problem for the sustainability of our



Dr. Luis M. Serra
Dept. Ingeniería Mecánica - Fundación CIRCE
Universidad de Zaragoza - CPS de Ingenieros, Edificio Torres Quevedo
C/ María de Luna, 3
50018 - Zaragoza - España
Tel: + 34 976 762036 - + 34 976 761863
Fax: + 34 976 732078

fis mailing list
Received on Fri May 16 13:19:54 2003

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