[Fis] May we build a CIVILIZED WORLD ORDER? (4) part 1

From: elohimjl <elohimjl@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Sun 18 May 2003 - 00:48:05 CEST

Billions of humans, during the last eight millennia on Earth - very
few indeed - have built the huge homosphere which is considered, de
facto, the civilized environment that today is considered
indispensable for the manifestation of human life.

Along the last twentieth century multifarious combinations of human
thoughts that were complemented by practical human work produced,
great scientific advances which soon were efficiently employed for
the accelerated development of the physical technology (*) that
engendered what has been called the Second Industrial Revolution. The
enormous potentiality of human features became once again undeniably
evident due to the creation of unbelievable new things and processes
that have been disorderly inserted in the biosphere, whose features
have made possible the presence of humans on the unique Earth.

This revolution, since the moment it was recognized as such, has been
increasing - more and even more - the mass production of different
kinds of goods, leading their trade to become the main engine of the
economic life of communities and nations.

It has been a revolution that has motivated decision-makers to
commercialize the industrial transformation of all kinds of raw
materials into different kinds of goods for being sold extensively
and exhaustively to people who have been compulsively invited to
consume faster and faster everything they manage to buy.

The evolvement of this revolution has caused de facto the
irresistible growth of consumerism as if it were THE indispensable
desideratum of individuals, communities and societies, which must
organize their respective survival in order to progress having
continuously in mind what else must still be bought. A fact that was
well forecasted by Thorstein Veblen as the conspicuous consumption,
which has become the tool for making people to believe in the
possibility of following a feasible road in order to reach the status
of the leisure class.

It was a revolution that arose and gradually advanced due to new
possibilities offered by the increasingly modernized physical
technology (*) that has become the main concern of civilized (highly
educated) people: well educated humans willing to be members of the
high society. It has evolved through many kinds of unconscious
feedback and feedforward interactions established between decision
makers, researchers, educators and consumers who - almost always -
suddenly become increasingly fascinated by the perspective of being
encouraged to enjoy living in a cybernetic leisure society.

(*) computers, automation, atomic energy, faster transportation,
communication and management of data,... in a large measure through
the clever manipulation of causal relations which have been encircled
in the invented concepts recognized by the words: INFORMATION,
Received on Mon May 19 09:59:51 2003

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