minutiae & technicalities
Remarks on the preparation of our conference fis2002
Dear Pedro, dear All,
preparing our contributions to the conference FIS 2002 we looked again at
the big material of the fis-discussion REALISM and INFORMATIONon the WEB
(sorry that we did not participate actively in this discussion, but we
studied most of the contributions). Frankly speaking we are not so happy
about the tendency of some of the participants to escape into a purely
philosophical discussion. We remember a discussion with our friend the late
Michael Conrad about the first period of fis-discussions about 5 years ago
in which he still actively participated (some of his views we find in the
good book 'The Quest on a Unified Theory of Information' edited by Wolfgang
Hofkirchner). Michael said after this first round of fis that close
connections to problems of the natural sciences are very important for
fis-discussions and that fis should not loose the contact to our concrete
problems on earth. Being working also in natural sciences we share Michaels
What we would propose is that the contributions to the planned conference
fis2002 are a good mixture between principal questions and such
applications which are related to conceptual questions. We hope that there
will be interesting contributions in this direction.
Werner Ebeling & Thorsten Poeschel from Berlin
Received on Fri Feb 15 15:08:08 2002
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