Information and Conservation Laws

From: koichiro matsuno/7129 <>
Date: Tue 13 Jan 1998 - 05:46:07 CET

Dear Jerry and all:

>Conservation laws come in many forms and have many uses.

   Sometimes, in a surprising manner.

>The chemical composition of the matter within living
>systems can follow conservation laws and still have access to many
>potential dynamical behaviors and many potential chemical forms.

   You are talking about molecular transactions here. In the
financial transactions in our everyday life, the balance sheet
issued by each corporate from time to time tells us there is
and should be no counterfeit of money. But, in reality, there
are a lot of lendings and loans upon credit. Even if materials
are conserved as a whole, there could be a lot of molecular
lendings and loans upon molecular credit on a local basis.
I might have made an overstepping, a bit.


     Koichiro Matsuno
Received on Tue Jan 13 05:44:55 1998

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