Dear Jerry and all:
>Does Quantum Mechanics start from a systematic perspective of
>interactions between ALL particles in the system and assert that a class
>of differential equations will describe the evolution of the system?
Perhaps, a physicist claiming such a systematic perspective
may live outside of it. But, where?
>In other words, in an analogy with a thermodynamic
>sense, is a quantum mechanical system an isolated system? Is this the
>source of the measurement problem? Is it possible to make a metaphor
>between the measurement problem and "begging the question"?
It seems to me that you are just hitting the mark. Quantum mechanics
as a theory can be complete and isolated, but the issue of measurement
is strenuously asking the theory what its outside looks like.
Koichiro Matsuno
Received on Tue Jan 13 05:45:03 1998
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