[Fis] Realism, etc.

[Fis] Realism, etc.

From: Michael Devereux <dbar_x@cybermesa.com>
Date: Wed 28 Jun 2006 - 19:51:07 CEST

Dear Rafael, Stan, and colleagues,

I strongly disagree with the notion of �decalration fo faith� to
characterize a jugdgement that is based on an immense collection of
consistent evidence by thousands of educated, trained observers over
centuries of effort, even if no part of the collection, or its whole,
deductively proves that there exists an objective physical reality that
we all share. If a criminal detective were to focus on one suspect
rather than another because all the circumstancial evidence pointed to
that one individual, we certainly wouldn�t characterize it as an act of
faith on the detective�s part, even though he couldn�t prove guilt.
Thanks for the valuable comments, Stan.

Michael Devereux

Dear Gordana and colleagues,

You commented that � no reasonable physicist today believes that atoms
can account directly for all the diversity of this complex world, not
even of the physical phenomena alone. But they make an enormous amount
of sense at certain levels of abstraction.� All the physicists and
chemists I�ve ever known believe the physical world we experience is
composed of atoms and smaller physical constituents like nucleons and
quarks, perhaps strings, etc. All are characterized by a discrete,
measurable value of energy. I don�t know where to reach beyond that for
a description of the physical world.

Michael Devereux

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Received on Wed Jun 28 19:52:04 2006

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