Socioinfo conf. & Haifa & ISSS

From: Pedro C. Marijuan <>
Date: Tue 22 Sep 1998 - 14:14:32 CEST

Dear fis colleagues,

*** The SOCIOINFO part of the ongoing fis virtual conference is ready to
begin. Bob Artiguiani (thanks a lot for his dedication) is giving the
finishing touches to a position-paper aimed at highlighting the foundations
of social information phenomena. In a couple of days he will put it on the

Given that the "archive" section of the fis www site is not quite workable
yet, perhaps the paper will have to be sent as an "attached document" (or
preferably as "only text" format in a regular message).

Up to now every discussion has had its own style. Let us see how we embark
on the social arena...

*** The HAIFA ISIS CONFERENCE has just taken place. There were several fis
speakers (Ted Goranson, John Collier, and myself) and an extra session was
devoted to the relationship info-symmetry. People were quite interested
--perhaps even more than in the Wash. 95 ISIS meeting. The BioSystems
special issue was really well received.

*** A FIS session in the ISSS (System Society) next meeting, June 1999 in
California? There is a kind invitation by Bela Banathy --current President
of the society-- in that regard. Quite soon we will receive further details
about this initiative.

hope you all have had a fine vacational period,



Pedro C. Marijuan. TEL 34 976 761927, FAX --761861 and -- 762111
Dept. Ingen. Electronica y Comunicaciones, CPS Universidad de Zaragoza,
Maria de Luna 3, Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Tue Sep 22 14:16:54 1998

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