Quantum-mind list serve (fwd)

From: Allan L Combs <combs@bulldog.unca.edu>
Date: Sat 01 Aug 1998 - 22:21:24 CEST

Thought some of us might be interested in this:
(Allan Combs)

Please circulate as appropriate


Enigmatic features of both quantum mechanics and consciousness
have led to a number of proposals suggesting links between the two.
Some have proposed quantum effects in the brain, while others have
suggested a role for consciousness in the interpretation of quantum
mechanics. The advent of quantum information technology (quantum
computation, quantum cryptography, etc.) promises inevitable further

Quantum-mind (quantum-mind@listserv.arizona.edu) is a moderated
e-mail discussion of quantum approaches to consciousness. Submissions
are evaluated by co-moderators who include Lawrence Crowell, Robert
Flower, Gordon Globus, Stuart Hameroff, Rhett Savage, Erick von Schweber,
and Saul-Paul Sirag. They endeavor to present relevant, rigorous, and
succinct postings, and will sometimes comment. Skeptical criticism is welcome
and appreciated.

Quantum-mind postings are archived at:

Quantum-mind is sponsored by Consciousness Studies at the University
of Arizona and the Intuition Network.

Quantum-mind discussions follow 10 topical areas. They are:

1) Features of consciousness resistant to classical explanations
(subjective experience, "qualia", binding, pre-conscious to conscious
transitions, non-computability, free will, non-local anomalies, apparent
backwards time referral etc.).
2) Interpretations of quantum mechanics and the nature of reality (the
measurement problem, Bohm's theory, Everett's theory, collapse
interpretations, many-minds interpretations, Schrodinger's cat,
Wigner's friend, Bell's theorem, observer effects, quantum gravity,
quantum field theory).

3) Possible macroscopic and microscopic brain loci for quantum effects
relevant to consciousness (thalamocortical loops, dendritic webs,
membranes/membrane proteins, synapses, ion fluxes, microtubules,
pre-synaptic vesicular grids, water, glia, gap junctions, etc.).
4) Potentially relevant quantum mechanisms in the brain (quantum
coherence, superposition, evanescent photons, tunneling, vacuum
ground states, Bose-Einstein condensates, collapse including objective
reduction, decoherence).

5) Bioenergetics, isolation and biological feasibility issues (thermal
noise/decoherence, Frohlich mechanism, ordered water, actin gelation,
protein conformational regulation, hydrophobic pockets, anesthetic effects,
6) Philosophical approaches amenable to fundamental physics (idealism,
monism, dualism, panexperientialism, Whitehead, Russell, Wheeler, Eastern
approaches, etc.).
7) Specific biological quantum consciousness models (Beck/Eccles,
Bohm/Hiley, Jibu/Yasue, Marshall, Penrose/Hameroff, Sarfatti, Stapp,
Vitiello, Walker, Wolf, etc.).

8) Quantum information technology and theory (quantum computation,
quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation, liquid NMR quantum
computing, counterfactuality), information.

9) Experimental approaches (non-locality, time anomalies, quantum
correlations and coherence in biological systems, anesthetic effects,
collapse/reduction, etc.).

10) Announcements, conferences, books, articles, etc.
Future plans for quantum-mind include interviews with noted researchers,
topical forums, tutorial/reviews, topically organized archives, full website
and more. Suggestions are welcome.

To subscribe to quantum-mind, send an email message
To: listserv@listserv.arizona.edu

The message should read:
subscribe quantum-mind yourfirstname yourlastname
Received on Sat Aug 1 22:22:33 1998

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