Re: [Fis] Economic Networks

Re: [Fis] Economic Networks

From: Robert Ulanowicz <>
Date: Thu 05 May 2005 - 22:36:10 CEST

On Fri, 6 May 2005, Igor Rojdestvenski wrote:

> As a physicist I doubt very much that autocatalysis does not obey the
> Second Law. Typically when a natural system seems to violate the Second
> Law it finaly turns out that the interpretation was faulty. Lots of
> mystically inclined people always produce such interpretations and, on
> the basis of them, suggest new Perpetuum Mobile of the second type. In
> fact, people fail to understand that to suggest that the second law is
> faulty for a certain system is the same as to suggest a Perpetuum Mobile
> based on this system

Dear Igor,

I am not sure what prompted your comment? Neither Stan nor I is saying
that anything contradicts the second law. We both agree that autocatalysis
and all other (macroscopic) natural processes obey the law. At issue is
only whether non-violability implies that the second law can be considered
the final cause behind the all order in the universe.


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Received on Thu May 5 22:36:25 2005

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