Re: [Fis] Economic Networks

Re: [Fis] Economic Networks

From: Igor Rojdestvenski <>
Date: Thu 05 May 2005 - 23:53:30 CEST

Dear Bob and Stan,

Yes, I have misunderstood one of your posts, I fear. As to the issue

>whether non-violability implies that the second law can be considered
>the final cause behind the all order in the universe.

I may remark the following. In fact, the canonic formulations of the SL deal
mostly with DISorder. Then SL may be the final cause of all order and all
disorder. Which statement, in a way, with delicate dialectics, eliminates
the object of the "final cause", and, possibly, the final cause itself.

What do you think?

Igor Rojdestvenski

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