Re: [Fis] definition(s) of order/disorder ?

From: Lauri Gröhn <>
Date: Wed 28 Apr 2004 - 10:37:13 CEST

At 10:37 28.4.2004, Michel Petitjean wrote:
>establish relations with other concepts. Existence of order and
>disorder only through intuitive assertions is not satisfactory.
>Does somebody could exhibit physical or mathematical definitions
>of order or disorder, apart from "entropy is disorder" ?

Dear Fellows,

Why should there be just ONE definition of order?

Why not having a metadefinition of order for defining various "orders"?

Why comparing " orders" in different order systems should be needed?


Lauri Gröhn

fis mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 28 10:43:12 2004

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