Fwd: [Fis] Re: What is information ?Fwd: [Fis] Re: What is information ?
From: by way of Pedro Marijuan <Jerry.LR.Chandler@Cox.net>
Date: Wed 05 Oct 2005 - 10:15:15 CEST
From: Jerry LR Chandler
Dear Kochiro:
Your post of September 29, 2005 leaves me in a state of wonder.
I really do not understand the potential relations between the semantics,
Koichiro writes:
This is a wonderful sentence. May I assume that the reference is an
>>My only concern here will be to call some attention
This suggests that the issue is not of types but of tokens.
>>Energy conceived in the first law of thermodynamics on energy
May I presume that an energy carrier is an existent energy?
>>Energy transformation is informational in making a new difference.
Is the "new difference" a non-definable variable?
>> A principal energy carrier met with in material processes is a
Does the view of an existent energy restrict its manifestation to energy
>>Nonetheless, a Planck's energy quantum does not transform
>>In contrast, appearance or
Quantum or quanta?
Could you post an experimental description of:
>"The citric acid cycle running in the presence of temperature
gradients alone
This experimental result should be of great interest to the individuals
Jerry LR Chandler
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