[Fis] My start article for FIS conference

From: by way of <sbr.lpf@cbs.dk>
Date: Thu 22 Jan 2004 - 10:06:01 CET

Dear FIS colleagues,

Here is my text to start the conference. I hope the attachment holds (I
will send it by another way also).

Best wishes

S�ren Brier

New e-mail adress: sbr.lpf@cbs.dk.
Telephone (+45 )3815 2208.
Address: Copenhagen Business School, department of Management, Politics and
Philosophy, Bl�g�rdsgade 23 B, room 326.
DK-2200 Copenhagen N.
Ed. Cybernetics & Human knowing: www.imprint.co.uk/C&HK/cyber.htm ,
subscriptions: sandra@imprint.co.uk

fis mailing list

Received on Thu Jan 22 09:41:04 2004

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