Announcement of the renewed Bertalanffy's Website

From: elohimjl <>
Date: Sun 27 Oct 2002 - 19:21:33 CET

The Bertalanffy's Website
is once again ready for inviting everybody and also anybody to
examine critically the reasons that have motivated some researchers
to claim that at the dawn of the 21st century the Bertalanffian Way
of Thinking ought to be explicitly developed, for searching out how
to cope holistically with the worst crisis ever faced by humankind.

Based on an evaluation of the previous attempt and also motivated by
encouraging comments and critical appraisals, it has been constituted
a Menu for allowing the visitor to choose one or another of the
subjects, while offering some information for showing why this
Website intends to answer consistently enough the question:

Why Bertalanffy?


Have been properly chosen the Bertalanffy's quotations?

Have been good enough the interpretations that have been given to
Bertalanffy thoughts?

Would help Bertalanffy's suggestions to create suitable
circumstances, for searching how to increase the survival chances of
the human species?

Answers to these questions and to additional questions that every
visitor may suggest will be highly welcome.

After recognizing that BAC 2001 (Bertalanffy's Anniversary
Conference), which took place November 1 - 4, 2001 in Vienna, Austria
was in a significant measure controversial - mainly because it could
have been organized better - it seems valid to claim that from now
onward a continuous exchange of views

through bertalanffy-list (�)

might help some more researchers, experts and scholars to prepare
better, for the near future, another face-to-face debate about better
ways of learning how to tackle the increasing number of larger
(local, regional and global) problems that are arising everywhere
generated partially by the unconscious dynamics of the prevailing
civilization but seriously aggravated by belligerent reactions that
have been primitively conceived against the unacceptable features of
this civilization

From now onward, the main aim of Bertalanffy's Website is to create
the intellectual circumstances that are needed for encouraging the
debate among the bertalanffy-list subscribers who no doubt will
encourage themselves to express their views in a virtual Open Forum
in order to examine how to use and develop one of the main
contributions of Ludwig von Bertalanffy:

the wholistic Systems Thinking or Top � Down approach

which is indispensable for finding out a way forward for Homo sapiens sapiens



ps 1. In addition we shall appreciate your suggestions for improving
the technical features of this website. Besides we shall appreciate
you let us know whether the software facilities that we are using
cause you any trouble or difficulty, as it could be the case of
flashplayer employed in the first page.

Ps 2. Unfortunately we are confronted at present with some technical
difficulties in the area of :: Submitted Essays inside: :: Reading
Hall, which we hope to solve soon.

  (�) The bertalanffy-list that was used before BAC 2001 will continue
in operation.

Everybody is invited to subscribe on her or his own sending the message:

subscribe bertalanffy-list


The intended subscriber will receive afterwards a confirmation that
his or her views will be received by the bertalanffy-list.

Immediately afterwards the subscriber will be able to diffuse - among
all the other subscribers - her or his views, through e-mail messages
sent to

Received on Sun Oct 27 19:22:33 2002

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