Dear Judith
We met in Wienna at the FIS conference some years ago. Allthough Tom and I disagreed very much scientifically we had a very warm relationsship and I appreciated his attitude towards science and other people very must. I still use his books. He made a grea
t work!
My heartfelt condolences
S=F8ren Brier
>>> TStonier <> 17-06-99 00.43 >>>
Dear Friend;
It is with regret that I inform you that my father, Tom Stonier, died on
June 15th after a long bout with cancer.
There will be a memorial service on Sunday June 20th at 2:00pm in the First
Congregational Church of South Egremont, MA (on route 23).
Instead of sending flowers my father would appreciate having you make a
donation to "Amnesty International" or "Medicines sans frontieres" or any
other charity which deserves your support.
Jefferson Stonier (son)
Judith (Tom's wife) will continue to check this email address for those
that wish to communicate with her.
Received on Thu Jun 17 14:58:43 1999
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