Re: [Fis] Limited info

Re: [Fis] Limited info

From: Koichiro Matsuno <>
Date: Sat 24 Jun 2006 - 02:49:20 CEST


   Stan's "Nature abhors gradients" is a thermodynamic imperative, which QM
has to live with. QM is instrumental for fabricating gradients and consumers
harnessing them. What is intriguing here is that some gradients have already
been frozen to some other consumers, like the nuclear binding energy stored
in an iron atom toward biological organisms on our earth. The fate of
gradients experienced by any consumer is at least two-fold. One is to simply
dissipate them, and the other is to transform some of them into a form
already frozen to the experiencing consumer. The rule is, first come,
first served. There remains nothing left for the latecomers. Underlying the
present excuse is that we abandon the homogeneous space. Of course, if the
homogeneous space is acceptable, the principle of least action as Pedro
refers to would survive


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Received on Sat Jun 24 02:50:26 2006

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