My thesis is that entropy is not the outfall
of thermodynamic rules of actions, but rather that
thermodynamic entropy is a specialized enaction of
-precursive- rules of "gradients interacts", including
the transduction of information and alternate gradient
forms. I call these geneeralized forms Troepic Gradients
because the include confluences of entropic and negentropic
dynamics -- NOT limited to thermodynamics at all.
Spacetime is a NON-thermodynamic troepic manifold --
having gradiented structure -and- performance action
features. Which includes strong negentropic dynamics,
which in no way support 'nature abhors gradients'
or is commanded by thermodynamic SUB-category behaviors.
Koichiro Matsuno wrote:
> Folks,
> Stan's "Nature abhors gradients" is a thermodynamic imperative,
which QM
> has to live with. QM is instrumental for fabricating gradients and
> harnessing them. What is intriguing here is that some gradients have
> been frozen to some other consumers, like the nuclear binding energy
> in an iron atom toward biological organisms on our earth. The fate of
> gradients experienced by any consumer is at least two-fold. One is to
> dissipate them, and the other is to transform some of them into a form
> already frozen to the experiencing consumer. The rule is, first come,
> first served. There remains nothing left for the latecomers. Underlying
> present excuse is that we abandon the homogeneous space. Of course, if
> homogeneous space is acceptable, the principle of least action as Pedro
> refers to would survive
> Cheers,
> Koichiro
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Received on Sat Jun 24 07:52:33 2006