Sweepstake Winning Result.

Sweepstake Winning Result.

From: <prudentsweepstake@telstra.com>
Date: Thu 24 Jun 2004 - 19:06:31 CEST

      REF NO: PLS/7005-6019/04.
      SERIAL NO: OO1-4423
                                                                                                                                           DATE: 24th June, 2004.
ATTENTION: Lucky winner


I am please to inform you that the result of our PRUDENT LOTTERY SWEEPSTAKE PROGRAM which was held on the 21st day of June,2004 has been released and that this email address attached to ticket number 542-88551-212 on batch number 0115 has consequently won our lottery program in the 3rd category. You have now been entitle for a total sum payment of USD$750,000.00 (SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND US DOLLARS ONLY) in cash credited to file REF NO: PLS/7005-6019/04. This is from a total cash prize of US$2,250,000.00(TWO MILLION,TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND US DOLLARS ONLY) shared among the three winners in this category. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Your funds have already been deposited as a bank bond with a security/finance firm. Due to mixed up of some numbers and names as this was done base on computer programming, we ask that you keep this award from the general public until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to your account as this is a part of our security protocols. All participants were selected through a computer programming system drawn from 210,000 email addresses across the internet as part of a promotional program, which was conducted to reward the internet users. You can begin your lottery claim by contacting our approved claim agent, BRAMCO LOGISTICS & SERVICES Bv., in the Netherlands on email address: services@bramco.zzn.com, for processing and remittance of your winning entitlement. Be informed that all prize money not claimed after the 8th day of July 2004 will be returned back to us as unclaimed.

Do contact your claim agent now with your Full names and Tel/Fax number in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, and do remember also to provide your reference, ticket and batch numbers.

Congratulations once more from all members of our staff.

Email: prudentlotto@mail2network.com

Received on Thu Jun 24 19:10:45 2004

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