:)) i kn~'ow you feel so l.o-w and hope there is something i can do to help

:)) i kn~'ow you feel so l.o-w and hope there is something i can do to help

From: mario warnstaff <tamiroby@lebinfo.org>
Date: Thu 16 Sep 2004 - 17:32:12 CEST

"One must resign one's self."

-----Original Message-----
From: Sona Smith [mailto:jnxjx@psatt.com]
To: dave jarmon; palmer duffney; val stott
Sent: Friday, July, 2004 12:50 PM
Subject: i kn`_ow you feel so l~o^w and hope there is something i can do to

Take care of your basic m.ed'~ica^tion n-e`eds. The total value adding
experience for you. The price on V^al-`ium, Tramadol, Alprazolam, v_i^agr`a,
Le_vitr.a nad 50 m-or'e others is really unexpected l^o`w for you.

We provide patients with f'a-st, private, and secure access to
FDA-ap,_pr'ove^-d pr'esc.rip_t-ion m'ed-,ica-tions.One of the difference
between us and the hospitals is that we wouldn't have your time wasted in
the waithing room.
kilometert�lleres13 lockouts 05lufttryks kolossernes menstrueres
Received on Thu Sep 16 17:22:18 2004

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